Fire Resistant Sleeve

Fire Resistant Sleeve

The characteristic of the EI 180 fireproof sleeve (otherwise called collar) (EN 1366-3) is that it is made of intumescent material (wrapped in a galvanized steel sheet bracelet) which, in the event of a fire, expands to compress the tube avoiding the passage of flames, vapors and combustion gases. The fire resistance of the sleeve is established through tests carried out according to an international reference standard, EN 1366-3. The resistance class, i.e. the sealing time of the sleeve, is attributed through different test configurations, i.e. with pipes open and / or closed between two rooms, both for the floors and for the walls. In the case of Bampi fire-resistant sleeves, the fire resistance class is EI 180 in U / C configuration (open / closed).

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Installation method

The installation method of the EI 180 fireproof sleeve (EN 1366-3) is very simple and quick. On the outside of the galvanized steel sleeve there are two hinged tabs that allow you to close the winding to the plastic material pipe such as PP / PE-HD / PVC / ABS. The sleeve must be anchored to the surface of the floor or wall, through the fixing with steel studs through special slots. The range of Bampi fireproof sleeves is available in diameters 32, 40, 50, 63, 75, 90, 100, 110, 125, 140, 160, 200, 250 and 315 m. Nel caso di passaggi particolari in forometrie anguste o in spazi limitati nei quali l’installazione dei manicotti non è possibile, si possono impiegare le BANDE TAGLIAFUOCO oppure i  SACCHETTI TAGLIAFUOCO, soluzioni entrambe certificate CE EI180.


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