Maxi-Filter Valve

Maxi-Filter Valve

MAXI-FILTRA is a bidirectional valve that allows to eliminate bad smells produced by wastewater treatment systems, by means of a replaceable activated carbon filter, simultaneously guaranteeing the purification of outgoing fumes and the necessary supply of air during the digestion processes aerobic / anaerobic. It is installed on the ventilation pipes of septic tanks (Imhoff type), oil separators (hydrocarbons), rainwater collection tanks and lifting stations. MAXI-FILTRA can be installed, in combination with the BAMVENT-110 ventilation valve, on ventilation columns open to the outside of the building (in pre-existing systems with ventilation near terraces or in new buildings if the roof exit is required by the local building regulation), to resolve the overpressure phenomena of the sewer system without foul-smelling fumes.

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Application scope

ABS device equipped with activated carbon filter for the ventilation of septic tanks (biological or Imhoff type), grease separators, rainwater tanks, purification plants, lifting stations and other devices for the collection of waste fluids, as required by the UNI 12056-3: 2001 standard for systems in residential, industrial and commercial, public and hospitality buildings such as hospitals, retirement homes and nursing homes, hotels, schools, places of worship.

Design instructions

The MAXI-FILTRA anti-odor valve follows the design prescriptions as per reference standard UNI EN 12056-3: 2001. Due to the project estimated operating pressure, the BAMVENT-110 valve ensures an air flow rate between 2 and 5 liters / second.

Installation method

Equipped with a special clamp, the MAXI-FILTRA valve can be mounted both vertically and horizontally on pipes with a diameter of 75, 90 and 110 mm. The valve can be installed on the ventilation duct of any plastic material or placed inside a ground well or wall compartment. It is mandatory to always provide access to the appliance for inspection and replacement of the activated carbon filter (to be carried out at least every 2 years). In case of exposure to UV rays or bad weather, a special aluminum protective cover must be mounted.

Operating characteristics and performance
  • ABS valve with replaceable internal activated carbon filter 
  • Dimensions: D130xH131 mm. (D89 mm. At the base for connection to pipe DN 90 mm) 
  • Air flow from 2 to 5 liters / second with 150/800 Pa 
  • Temperature limits from -20 ° C to + 60 ° C 
  • Connection to pipes with diameters of 75-90-110 mm. 
  • Resistant to UV rays 
  • 10-year warranty against manufacturing defects

Many of the respiratory problems are related to the lack of air exchange inside homes. Take a closer look at the causes that determine the unhealthiness of the house. Through proper design rules and regulations it will be possible to achieve the long-awaited well-being.

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